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Wide-Eyed Warrior

Kutath  (Faded Sun, volume 3)

By C J Cherryh 

4 Feb, 2025



1979’s Kutath is the third and final volume in C. J. Cherryh’s Faded Sun trilogy.

The mri are humanoid alien mercenaries who were, until recently, in the employ of the alien regul. Following the end of the war with humans, the regul decided to exterminate the mri to prevent them from working for the humans. This almost succeeded.

The last two mri on Kesrith (priest Melein and warrior Niun) fled in the company of human soldier Sten Duncan. Pursued by a regul and human fleet, the trio traced a chain of dead planets leading back to the true mri home world, Kutath.

Why did the mercenary mri leave a wake of dead worlds? And is Kutath about to join them?

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Tis No Small Thing To Serve A King

Lifeboat Earth  (Kyyra, volume 2)

By Stanley Schmidt 

2 Feb, 2025

Because My Tears Are Delicious To You


1978’s Lifeboat Earth is the second volume in Stanley Schmidt’s Kyyra series. Whereas the first volume was a novel, Lifeboat Earth is a fix-up, composed primarily of novelettes.

With the wavefront from the Milky Way’s exploding core only eighteen years from Earth, the only way out is to equip Earth with a propulsion system provided by the alien Kyyra and flee for the Andromeda Galaxy.

The plans exist! The technology exists! The only impediment is the inefficient governments running the Earth. By the time the dithering officials make a decision, the Earth will be dead.

Clearly the only reasonable solution is for Henry Clark, the World Science Foundation’s Lieutenant Commissioner of Grants, to appoint himself Earth’s supreme autocrat.

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Cause You’re a Criminal

Hammajang Luck

By Makana Yamamoto 

31 Jan, 2025

Doing the WFC's Homework


Makana Yamamoto’s 2025 Hammajang Luck is a (thus far1) stand-alone science fiction heist novel2.

Former aspiring criminal Edie has spent eight long years in Kepler System Penitentiary contemplating what happens when you trust the wrong person. Unexpectedly paroled, Edie soon discovers that time invested considering misplaced trust was time well-spent… but perhaps not as useful as one might expect in charting Edie’s post-prison life.

Angel and Edie used to be as close as siblings, but when Angel had to choose between prison time or flipping on Edie, Angel chose to betray Edie. That makes Angel’s current offer of a job a bold choice on Angel’s part.

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Rewrite Your History

The Dawn of Everything

By David Graeber & David Wengrow 

30 Jan, 2025

Miscellaneous Reviews


David Graeber and David Wengrow’s 2021’s The Dawn of Everything is, as its subtitle proclaims, a non-fiction book presenting A New History of Humanity. Although really, what they offer is a new interpretation of history. Which would not be as snappy a subtitle.

There is a standard version of the progression of technology and civilization that many of us learned in school: a long uncharted stone age of wandering tribes leading simple, boring, uniform lives, the domestication of plants and animals, the rise of towns and cities, the creation of centralized states, and finally after some fuss, Canada. Whether or not all that was good is open to debate, but there is a certain degree of inevitability about it all. A leads to B leads to C and so on, each stage bringing additional complexity and challenges.

It would be disturbing if the facts did not to line up nicely with the model. Graeber and Wengrow suggest that they don’t.

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Just A Girl

Ansuz  (Whisper of Ravens, volume 1)

By Malene Sølvsten 

29 Jan, 2025



2016’s Ansuz is the first volume in Malene Sølvsten’s Whisper of the Ravens teen contemporary fantasy series. The 2023 English translation is by Adrienne Alair.

Black-haired Danish teen Anna Sakarias’ life thus far has been less than ideal. Abandoned by her parents as a baby, Anna has been handed from foster-parent to foster-parent, finally ending up living on her own under the watchful eye of caseworker Greta. Although she saved one set of fosters from a fire, she was then blamed for the fire. When she defended herself from the local bully, Anna was the one who faced charges. If the preceding were not bad enough, Anna dreams of terrible murders.

Now Anna’s life will be utterly transformed… but not for the better.

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Stuck In The Same Place I’ve Always Been

Knight Moves

By Walter Jon Williams 

28 Jan, 2025

The Realized World


Walter Jon Williams’ 1985 Knight Moves is a stand-alone1 science fiction novel.

Eight centuries ago, Doran Falkner saved the world. Falkner Power Systems provided abundant power, which (as science advanced) could be used to build nuclear dampers and relativistic star drives. Thus, the energy crisis, the threat of nuclear war, and access to the rest of the universe, all solved all thanks to one man.

Prudent investment allowed Falkner to deliver another miracle to the world: vastly extended life. This came with a steep price-tag: any would-be immortal would have to surrender their terrestrial real estate to Doran Falkner and move to another star system.

Today, Doran is the proud owner of most of the Earth and very large, very dirty secret.

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Horrendous Space Kablooie

Breakaway  (Space 1999, # 1)

By Lee H. Katzin & George Bellak 

26 Jan, 2025

Because My Tears Are Delicious To You


Breakaway” was the debut episode of the first season of the science fiction television show, Space 1999. Directed by Lee H. Katzin and written by George Bellak, Breakaway” aired 4 September 1975.

John Koenig (played by Martin Landau) is dispatched by the World Space Commission to Moonbase Alpha to ensure that the upcoming Meta probe is launched on schedule. The rogue planet Meta will not be in reach of terrestrial spacecraft for long, and certain telemetry signals demand investigation.

The impediment Koenig has sent to resolve is a viral outbreak. As he will soon discover, the problems plaguing the Meta program are far more serious than a simple disease outbreak.

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Rule Britannia

The Yellow Rambutan Tree Mystery  (Crown Colony, volume 7)

By Ovidia Yu 

24 Jan, 2025

Doing the WFC's Homework

1 comment

2023’s The Yellow Rambutan Tree Mystery is the seventh volume in Ovidia Yu’s Crown Colony mystery series.

Imperial Japan has been crushed. Singapore has been liberated from the rapacious Japanese. Those who survived occupation begin to rebuild their lives. Su Lin’s friend Parshanti plans marriage despite qualms1. Su Lin’s Chen clan adapts to new business realities. As for Su Lin, the future is less clear.

Japan’s defeat only changed the identity of Singapore’s colonial masters, not the fact of colonial rule. The British have returned.

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This Dervish Frenzy

Brother in the Land

By Robert Swindells 

23 Jan, 2025

Big Hair, Big Guns!


Robert Swindells’ 1984 Brother in the Land is a stand-alone post-apocalypse novel.

Caught in a sudden downpour, teenager Danny Lodge takes shelter in a convenient World War Two-era bunker. Not only does this protect Danny from the rain, it protects him from the Soviet nuclear warhead that detonates in nearby Branford.

Well, the bunker protects Danny from the immediate effects.

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In Your Darkest Hour

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 13

By Kamome Shirahama 

22 Jan, 2025


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2024’s Witch Hat Atelier, Volume 13 is the thirteenth tankōbon of Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier fantasy manga series. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atelier in the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. The English translation of Volume 12 first appeared in 2025.

Imprisoned and stripped of his rank for misusing magic, cunning old Engendale orchestrated his escape by unleashing a vast, blood-sucking monster to distract his jailors while he fled. This very nearly perfect plan would have succeeded, were it not for plucky young Coco and her mentor, Qifrey.

Intercepting and confronting the old reprobate is easy enough. Surviving the encounter is another matter.

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