O Happy Pair
By Joan D. Vinge
Joan D. Vinge’s 1978 Fireship was her first collection. It collects two novellas, the eponymous Fireship and 1975’s Mother and Child.
Joan D. Vinge’s 1978 Fireship was her first collection. It collects two novellas, the eponymous Fireship and 1975’s Mother and Child.
1985’s Phoenix in the Ashes is a collection of Joan D. Vinge short works. It follows two other collections, Fireship and Eyes of Amber. Phoenix in the Ashes is the third and latest such collection.
Terry Carr’s 1979 The Best Science Fiction Novellas of The Year 1 is the first volume in his The Best Science Fiction Novellas of The Year anthology series.
Frustrated that page count limits precluded including many noteworthy novellas in his Best Science Fiction of the Year anthologies, Carr resolved to provide novellas with their own anthology series.
Destinies, April-June 1979 was the third issue in the first volume of Destinies, the “paperback magazine of science fiction and speculative fact1.”
As previously established, Destinies is a long-defunct magazine for which I have memories both fond and spotty. Those two characteristics may be linked. This is one of the issues for which I have no particular memories on looking at the cover. Enticement to look inside!