A Year of Tanith Lee

29 Oct, 2015
Tanith Lee died earlier this year. She was extraordinarily prolific, writing more than ninety novels in a career that spanned six decades. Too many of her books to list here were nominated for awards but her wins include Death’s Master (BFA), The Gorgon (WFA), Elle Est Trois, and (La Mort) (WFA); in 2013, she was presented by a Life Achievement WFA. Clearly she was a writer of significance but in recent years she had not received the attention her talent deserved.
When I heard the news of her death, I decided to commemorate her career in this very small way, by reviewing a wide selection of her published works.
My tentative list, created after soliciting selections from Lee fans is as follows. I may modify it depending on availability.
The Bethrothed (1968)
The Dragon Lord (1971)
Princess Hynchatti (1972)
The Birthgrave (1975)
The Storm Lord (1976)
The Winter Players (1976)
Volkhavaar (1977)
Drinking Sapphire Wine (1977)
(Don’t Bite the Sun (1978) Excluded because I reviewed it)
Night’s Master (1978)
Death’s Master (1979)
Electric Forest (1979)
Sabella (1980)
Day by Night (1980)
Kill the Dead (1980)
Lycanthia (1981)
Delusion’s Master (1981)
Silver Metal Lover (1981)
Cyrion (1982)
Anakire (1983)
Red As Blood (1983)
Sung in Shadow (1983)
Tamastara (1984)
The Gorgon and Other Beastly Tales (1985)
Dreams of Dark and Light (1986 )
Night’s Sorceries (1987)
The Book of the Damned (1988)
The Book of the Beast (1988)
Madame Two Swords (1988)
The White Serpent (1988)
A Heroine of the World (1989)
Women as Demons (1989)
The Blood of Roses (1990)
Black Unicorn (1991)
Book of the Dead (1991)
Dark Dance (1992)
Book of the Mad (1993)
Personal Darkness (1993)
Darkness, I (1994)
Louisa the Poisoner (1996)
Faces in the Water (1999)
Saint Fire (1999)
White as Snow (2000)
A Bed of Earth (2002)
Venus Preserved (2003)
Thirty Four (2004)
Metallic Love (2005)
Indigara (2007)
Disturbed by Her Song (2010)
To Indigo (2011)
Space is Just a Starry Night (2013)
A Different City (2015)
Legenda Maris (2015)