Annual Award Eligibility Post

2 Jan, 2024
Another year is upon us and with it the obligatory awards eligibility posts. I am never really sure into which categories my works fall. Here are my best guesses.
So far, the only SFF awards for which I have been a finalist were the Hugo and the Aurora. That said, feel free to nominate me for any awards for which my works qualify, from Balrog to Darwin.
Hugo Awards:
My Tor essays probably fall under Best Related.
James Nicoll Reviews count towards Best Fan Writer.
My Dreamwidth posts (links to James Nicoll Reviews aside) fall under Best Fan Writer.
Young People site may count as a fanzine. Or, again, best fan writer.
Aurora Awards:
My Tor essays might be Best Related?
James Nicoll Review fall under Best Fan Writing and Publication.
My Dreamwidth posts fall under Best Fan Writing and Publication.
Young People falls under Best Fan Writing and Publication.