Books Received, April 11 — April 17
18 Apr, 2020

Katherine Addison, author of The Goblin Emperor , returns with The Angel of the Crows, a fantasy novel of alternate 1880s London, where killers stalk the night and the ultimate power is naming. This is not the story you think it is. These are not the characters you think they are. This is not the book you are expecting. In an alternate 1880s London, angels inhabit every public building, and vampires and werewolves walk the streets with human beings in a well-regulated truce. A fantastic utopia, except for a few things: Angels can Fall, and that Fall is like a nuclear bomb in both the physical and metaphysical worlds. And human beings remain human, with all their kindness and greed and passions and murderous intent. Jack the Ripper stalks the streets of this London too. But this London has an Angel. The Angel of the Crows.

Travel with battle-loving BFF: check.
Adopt adorable puppy: check! <3
Join guild and avoid being thrown in jail: working on that.
Avoid losing BFF in weird heist gone wrong: definite fail.
Survive in a world not my own where everyone wants me dead: not going so great (note to self – pick up more weapons).
My name is Tira. I don’t know where I’m from. I don’t know where I’m going. All I know right now are two things: I’m going to get my best friend back, and I’m going to have fun doing it.
After all, there’s no point in being a demon if you’re not willing to raise a little hell.

New York Times bestselling author Kate Elliott brings us a thrilling new science fiction adventure set in a rich universe full of political intrigue with Unconquerable Sun. GENDER-SWAPPED ALEXANDER THE GREAT ON AN INTERSTELLAR SCALE Princess Sun has finally come of age. Growing up in the shadow of her mother, Eirene, has been no easy task. The legendary queen-marshal did what everyone thought impossible: expel the invaders and build Chaonia into a magnificent republic, one to be respected — and feared. But the cutthroat ambassador corps and conniving noble houses have never ceased to scheme — and they have plans that need Sun to be removed as heir, or better yet, dead. To survive, the princess must rely on her wits and companions: her biggest rival, her secret lover, and a dangerous prisoner of war. Take the brilliance and cunning courage of Princess Leia — add in a dazzling futuristic setting where pop culture and propaganda are one and the same — and hold on tight: This is the space opera you’ve been waiting for.

Bestselling author Daniel Pinkwater (Lizard Music, The Hoboken Chicken Emergency) returns in classic form with the illustrated, middle-grade adventures of one young Molly O’Malley: a dwarf (well, dwarf-ish) girl who just won’t settle for a boring life in the Catskills. “Daniel Pinkwater’s books don’t strive for greatness; they don’t seem to be trying at all. That’s the magic of them.” – The New York Times Book Review Molly O’Malley is a clever, adventurous girl. She is also a Dwerg. Dwergs are strange folks who live very quietly in the Catskill mountains, have lots of gold, and are kind of like dwarves (but also not!). Molly isn’t interested in cooking and weaving, as she is expected to be. So, she sets off to see the world for herself. Which means a new job, a trip to New York City, prowling gangsters, an adorable king, a city witch, and many historical ghosts. More importantly, it means excellent pizza, new friends, and very quick thinking. Now someone is pursuing the Dwergs for their gold. Can Molly O’Malley save the day?