For the million zillion Scalzi fans who just showed up here for the first time

27 Apr, 2015
How to Commission a Review
A: You can buy a review for a book for $100 or by supporting my Patreon: see its page for specific details. I am very open to various media of payment.
B: Authors may not buy reviews of their own books nor can their family members, publishers or agents. This is for two reasons: Yog’s Law and also the possibility that a confused minority might expect if they pay me to read their book they are then entitled to a positive review.
Authors may point out to me that their qualifying books are now out (or back in print) and while I cannot promise to read said books, there will not be a charge if I do.
C: I have the right to decline any book; this is not to be taken as a negative comment on the author or book.
D: Generally, I am not willing to review any book where I would not then allow the author right of reply. I think writers commenting on reviews can go south pretty precipitously but I leave it to their judgement.
I reserve the right to break my own rules except for B because, wow, can authors buying reviews go horribly wrong fast.