January 2024 Patreon Boost!

1 Jan, 2024
James Nicoll Reviews is supported by spontaneous donations, review commissions and (despite Patreon’s best efforts at forgetting to collect subscription fees) Patreon subscribers. If you would like to commission a review,please see my guidelines. My Patreon can be found here. If you’d just like to throw money at me and don’t live in Kitchener-Waterloo, my Paypal is here.
I had an epiphany about these posts, which is that if I do the summary posts on the final day of the month and the Patreon boosts on the first, the pile of month end (or month beginning) posts won’t be so overwhelming and I will be able to put more thought into them1. Let’s see if I remember that in a month’s time.
A sad note on my image: Fig, the demanding tuxedo cat pictured above, became very ill in mid-December, sick enough I didn’t expect him to last the next 24 hours. Since then, Fig has apparently decided to power through on the strength of pain meds, appetite stimulants and prodigious quantities of determination. I am reminded of my cat Hillary, who decided trifles like a near complete lack of kidney function wasn’t going to slow her down. I expect Fig’s condition will catch up with him sooner rather than later but he seems determined to enjoy what time he has in the manner to which he has become accustomed.
1: Well, except not this month, because I need to put the effort into a New Year’s post. And a complete list of my review categories.