June 2023 Patreon Boost!

1 Jun, 2023
Another month, another 22 reviews! All thanks to commissioned reviews and my legion of patrons, for whose continued support over the last nine or so years I am very grateful.
Brazen Head, my new Framework laptop, continues to function without issue. Granted, that is how new laptops are supposed to work but by this time in my previous laptop’s life, I’d exchanged it for a replacement twice.
This months’ big news is that my related site, Young People Read Old SFF, is up for an Aurora Award for a third time! Third time lucky, I hope. I would have posted this news on the Young People site’s blog… if I’d had the foresight to have one.
If you’d like to join my patreon, the link is here. If you would prefer to commission an individual review, the link is here. If you’d just care to throw money at me1, that link is here.