My First Ten RPGs: 10

1 Jun, 2020
Stealing from Aaron de Orive, my first ten tabletop RPGs in ten days, in the order in which I encountered them. Number ten: Chaosium’s Worlds of Wonder. The Worlds of Wonder boxset contained the Basic Roleplaying rules (a streamlined Runequest), plus three settings: Super World (A superhero RPG), Future World (a SF RPG), and Magic World (a fantasy RPG). The setting books were by modern standards rather lean (16 pages), so the designers had to be judicious about how to cram enough information in so the result was playable; in Future World, for example, they used interstellar gates that could only link worlds of similar mass and spin, removing the need for ship or detailed world design.
It was a perfectly functional set of rules. Why it didn’t become the core of a GURPS-like range of world books I can’t say. It didn’t, and GURPS took that niche instead.