My First Ten RPGs: 8

1 Jun, 2020
Stealing from Aaron de Orive, my first ten tabletop RPGs in ten days, in the order in which I encountered them. Number eight is FGU's Space Opera, an ambitious science fiction RPG. Upside: tons of support material. Downsides: convoluted game mechanics, bold organizational choices, counter-intuitive editing, and maybe a smidgen of not enough play-testing. Which is to say, it was an FGU game.
The two things I remember about it was our min/maxer getting frustrated over seeming skill prereq contraditions, and that time someone fired a fusion pistol in an enclosed space, unaware that fusion pistols set everything in the vicinity of the target on fire, or that "Fusion weapons produce hard radiation (Rad Level) at the surface of the target hit by the main bolt, but not the splatter." It was a bit like using fireball as a melee weapon in D&D. If fireballs were radioactive.