October 2023 Patreon Boost!

1 Oct, 2023
September 2023 is over. 21 works reviewed, bringing the annual total to 195. Having noticed the absence of 2023 SF novels last month, five such works were reviewed this month, bringing the annual total to 12. It’s a pity the reviews that get the most comments are either those of older books or those with egregious typos. Or both.
September’s big achievement: I now have every book the late Phyllis Eisenstein published, even the collection. More review fodder. Also, there has been a small revision to my Baen policy, for which see here.
As ever, James Nicoll Reviews owes its ongoing existence to commissions and generous patrons. Details on commissioning reviews are here. If you would like to support my Patreon, please go here. If you have a sudden desire to just send money, perhaps to fund the replacement for my aged Kobo, my Paypal is here.
(apparently it’s possible to set up monthly payments on Paypal but the only time I hear about people trying it, they’re complaining about it not working)
Late breaking: I have added two new levels: $10.00/month and $5.00/month. There is no end to the excitement around here.