James Nicoll Reviews Review Categories

2 Dec, 2020
Curious about the list of Review Categories? Here’s a short and updated (as of December 2nd, 2020) guide:
Each category header is a link.
You can buy a review for a book for $100. Various guidelines pertain, which can be found at the other end of the link.
Active Projects (some more active than others)
Because My Tears Are Delicious To You (335)
My weekly foray into the books I loved as a teenager, which is to say, books I first encountered between March 18, 1974 and March 18, 1981.
Big Hair, Big Guns! (27)
An episodic sampling of the science fiction of the 1980s.
An exploration of science fiction roleplaying games using the Basic Roleplaying Game engine.
Doing What the WFC Cannot Do (98)
A weekly review of works by Anglophone authors of colour, focusing on a different author each week of the year.
Graveyard Orbits (5)
Reviews of the final books written by writers who have suffered author existence failure.
Reviews of books featuring pandemics.
Reviews of works that won the Otherwise Award. I don’t think I can rename the category without breaking a lot of urls.
KW Science Fiction and Fantasy (4)
Reviews of works by local authors.
Military Speculative Fiction That Doesn’t Suck (38)
Reviews of Military SF works that were not unspeakably terrible.
Miscellaneous Reviews (282)
This is where everything that does not fit into one of the other categories gets put.
Rediscovery Tuesday (42)
Reviews of works long out of print that have been recently republished. Ironically, back in 2014 this was going to be my main focus.
Reviews of works about those commie rat-bastards taking over the US.
Reviews of roleplaying games, at least the ones not covered under the Tears reviews.
Space Opera That Doesn’t Suck (27)
Reviews of Space Operas that were not unspeakably terrible.
Special Requests (315)
Reviews of works I was asked to review that do not fall into one of the other categories.
Reviews of translated works.
Completed Projects
Reviews of every Andre Norton novel listed in an obscure Ace Books ad in the 1970s.
A Bunch of Bujolds (12)
Reviews of a dozen assorted Lois McMaster Bujold novels. You might expect every Bujold to be listed under this. You’d be wrong, although I reserve the right to change my mind.
Reviews of a dozen assorted Adrian Tchaikovsky novels. Again, anyone expecting me to list every Tchaikovsky review here has unwarranted faith in my organizational skills.
A Variety of Vaughns (12)
Reviews of a dozen assorted Carrie Vaughn novels. See previous disclaimer re: whether all of the Vaughns I have reviewed are listed under this tag.
A Year of Tanith Lee (61)
A now completed project in which I reviewed one Lee work a week. You may well wonder how I crammed 61 weekly reviews into 52 weeks.
A Year of Waterloo Region Speculative Fiction (49)
Reviews of works written by authors in some way connected to or adjacent to Waterloo Region in Ontario.
Reviews of some of the books in James Corey’s Expanse space opera.
Leigh Brackett’s Solar System (7)
Reviews of works set in Leigh Brackett’s Planetary Romance setting.
This was not actually a review.
The 2017 Prometheus Award Finalists (4)
Reviews of some of the works nominated for the 2017 Prometheus Award.
The Great Heinlein Juveniles (Plus The Other Two) Reread (14)
Reviews of Heinlein’s Scribner juvenile SF novels, plus a couple of ancillary works.
Twelve by Diana Wynne Jones (12)
Reviews of a dozen assorted Dianna Wynne Jones novels.
Women of Wonder (6)
Reviews of Pamela Sargent’s iconic Women of Wonder Anthologies, plus an interview with the editor.