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Blog Posts from February 2025 (5)

February 2025 in Review

28 Feb, 2025


February 2025

21 works reviewed. 11 by women (52%), 9 by men (43%), 0 by non-binary authors (0%), 1 by authors whose gender is unknown (5%), and 8 by POC (38%).

2025 to Date

44 works reviewed. 23 by women (52%), 19 by men (43%), 1 by non-binary authors (2%), 1 by authors whose gender is unknown (2%), and 18 by POC (41%).

Grand Total to Date

2835 works reviewed. 1578 by women (56%), 1187 by men (42%), 45 by non-binary authors (2%), 25 by authors whose gender is unknown (1%), and 895.25 by POC (31%).

Genre Count, Books Reviewed January 2025

21 books reviewed. 11 fantasies (52%), 0 non-fiction (0%), 9 science fiction (43%), 1 mainstream (5%), and 0 mysteries (0%), of which 9 were series books (43%).

Genre Count, Books Reviewed, 2025 TD

44 books reviewed. 17 fantasies (39%), 2 non-fiction (5%), 20 science fiction (45%), 3 mainstream (7%), and 2 mysteries (5%), of which 21 were series books (48%).

Genre Count, Books Received February 2025

Netgalley instituted changes that basically make them useless to me, so the flood of new books is going to be closed off. Alas. I don’t know if this section even makes sense any more.

12 books received, 6.5 fantasy (54%), 1 horror (8%), 0 mainstream (0%), 0 mystery (0%), 2 non-fiction (17%), 1 roleplaying game-related (8%), 1.5 science fiction (13%), of which 2 were series (17%), 10 non-series (83%), and 0 hard to classify (0%).

Genre Count, Books Received 2025 TD

52 books received, 31.5 fantasy (61%), 3 horror (6%), 1 mainstream (2%), 1 mystery (2%), 3 non-fiction (6%), 6 roleplaying game-related (12%), 6.5 science fiction (13%), of which 22 were series (42%), 25 non-series (48%), and 5 hard to classify (10%).

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Books Received, February 1 to February 7

8 Feb, 2025


Why Won’t You Love Me? by Boop (February 2025)

Senpai will be yours… no matter what.

In this chaotic micro tabletop game, you play as a yandere, who will stop at nothing to make senpai notice you. Whether they like it or not, you will spend your lives happily ever after together. Even if that means you need to do things you wouldn’t usually do.

Whether through sweet whispers, carefully planned accidents,” or eliminating the competition, your love story is one of passion, deception, and just a little bit of murder.

Set up the perfect confession – The cherry blossoms will swirl around you both as you hand over your love letter. Approach Senpai at the Fireworks Festival with a sneaky kiss… The day is yours to seize!

Sabotage your rivals - Stop those Senpai’s other admirers who are unworthy of their love. You might have to improvise on the spot — but if there’s food here, there’s a kitchen, and where there’s a kitchen, there’s knives!

Win over Senpai — By any means possible. If that means its only you and them left in this world, so be it. Just, try to avoid (or defeat) law enforcement and others that get in your way

With a very simple ruleset requiring only a d10, Why won’t you love me!?” lets you and your friends roleplay the classic trope all the way to its dramatic conclusion.

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Books Received, January 25 — January 31

1 Feb, 2025


A Rebel’s History of Mars by Nadia Afifi (June 2025)

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer member’s striking new book of time travel and biological science fiction is a thrilling ride.

Kezza, an aerialist in the Martian circus, can never return to Earth – but she can assassinate the man she blames for her grim life on the red planet. Her murderous plans take an unexpected turn, however, when she uncovers a sinister secret. A thousand years into the future, Azad lives a safe but controlled life on the beautiful desert planet of Nabatea. His world is upended when he joins a crew of space-traveling historians seeking to learn the true reason that their ancestors left Mars. Separated by time and space, Kezza and Azad’s stories collide in the Martian desert. 

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February 2025 Patreon Boost

1 Feb, 2025


Well, that sure was a month. Nevertheless, James Nicoll Reviews preservers! How can you help? Well, if you’re an author, writing books and games for me to review is greatly appreciated. I am always happy when people read my reviews. If you wish to offer monetary support, there are several options:

Do you want ongoing say in what I review? Join my Patreon here.

Is immediate gratification your jam? Commission a review!

Do you languish under the burden of excess wealth? Spontaneous donations may be accomplished via my Paypal.

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