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Reviews in Collection: Stellar (7)

Stellar 7

Stellar 7

By Judy-Lynn del Rey  

16 Mar, 2009



Stellar 7

edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey

Del Rey (August 1981)

213 pages ($2.50)

Weird. Only eight months between S6 and S7, plus the price *dropped* by twenty-five cents.

Cover art is an uninspired piece by David Mattingly and if it illustrates a particular story, I am not sure which one it is. Shows a space ship or flying city, with a non-destructive glowing beam between it and a mountain top tower and several flying men with jet packs in the foreground. Use of colours reminds me a little of Foss.

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Stellar 6

Stellar 6

By Judy-Lynn del Rey  

16 Mar, 2009



Stellar 6

edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey

Del Rey (January 1981)

186 pages ($2.75)

Whoa! Big bounce in price there between S5 and S6. Wonder what drove it.

Another thing to note is there is one price, the [Canadian] dollar and US dollar having roughly the same value (The Canadian was actually worth more than the US in the 1970s for a bit. Bad for exports).

[written before BushCo trashed the US dollar, which caused a lot of heartache up here for export-oriented companies]

The cover is a competent bit of art illustrating the poem by the artist, Robert Zend.

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