Millennial Review I: Looking Backward: 2000 — 1887 by Edward Bellamy (1888)
Looking Backward: 2000 — 1887
By Edward Bellamy

16 Jan, 2000
Millennial Reviews
Looking Backward: 2000 — 1887
Edward Bellamy
Originally published in 1888
I had read Looking Backwards before as a child. When I got my new copy, I discovered that I had little recollection of the plot, aside from the minor aspect that a man of the 19th century goes to sleep and wakes up in an utopian America in the year 2000. Perhaps this is because, as I discovered on rereading the book, there is very little plot at all, the book consisting of the naive man from the 19th century asking questions about the milieu he finds himself in and his host, Dr Leete, answering them at some length.