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Reviews by Contributor: Takami, Koushun (1)

Haikasoru 2: Battle Royale: The Novel by Koushun Takami (Trans. Yuji Oniki)

Battle Royale: The Novel

By Koushun Takami  (Translated by Yuji Oniki)

14 May, 2011



Battle Royale: The Novel
Koushun Takami (Trans. Yuji Oniki)
$16.99 USA/$23.00 CAN/£9.99
608 pages
ISBN: 978 – 1421527727

I was going to assert that this is one of the books published by VIZ pre-Haikasoru but I see this is a revised text from 2009, one that includes an introduction by Max Allan Collins, an interview with director Kini Fukasaku and an afterword by Koushub Takami. 

This is one of those books whose craft I can admire without in any way enjoying the experience of reading it. 

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