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Reviews by Contributor: Ing, Dean (1)

Millennial Review XI: Systemic Shock by Dean Ing (1981)

Systemic Shock  (Ted Quantrill, volume 1)

By Dean Ing  

23 Jan, 2000

Millennial Reviews


Systemic Shock
Dean Ing
Ace, 1981,
298 pages

I was going to review the entire trilogy but Life Is Too Short plus I want to save up my bile for the Baxter HC that justcame in [1].

Synopsis: It’s 1996 and the entire world is about to go pear-shaped. Young Ted Quantrill is a teenage boy scout out with his officious and incompetent scout master when WW IV starts [WW III was General Sir John Hackett’s 1985 WW III]. The book follows several main points of view: Quantrill’s, Boren Mills’ [an intelligence officer], Sandy Grange’s [a 9 year old girl at the beginning of the story], Eve Simpson [teen holostar sex kitten], and an omniscient narrator writing from some point after WW IV. Don’t know much about that last except he’s an American and possibly a Mormon.

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