Haikasoru 7: The Lord of the Sands of Time by Issui Ogawa (Trans. Jim Hubbert)
By Issui Ogawa (Translated by Jim Hubbert)

1 Jun, 2011
The Lord of the Sands of Time
Issui Ogawa (Trans. Jim Hubbert)
Haikasoru/VIZ Media LLC
196 pages
SRP: $13.99 USA/$18.99 CAN/£8.99
ISBN 9781421527626
The Canadian pricing on this seems … daring.
Some spoilers will follow.
A reader flipping through the early pages of this book could be forgiven for thinking this is a secondary world fantasy; Lady Miyo, out for a ride with her faithful slave Kan, encounters a mononoke, a demon of sorts, and survives thanks to the timely intervention by warrior in blackened, cracked armor, bearing a talking sword. There are hints that this isn’t the case: there’s a date, 248 AD, which ties it to the history of our world and the warrior and his sword do not speak in a way one might expect a warrior of the Yayoi period to speak but more like a pilot talking to their wingman.
There a number of hints early on that while this may be a 248 AD, it is not our 248 AD: