Haikasoru 4: The Book of Heroes by Miyuki Miyabe (Trans. Alexander O. Smith)
The Book of Heroes
By Miyuki Miyabe (Translated by Alexander O. Smith)

21 May, 2011
The Book of Heroes
Miyuki Miyabe (Trans. Alexander O. Smith)
$23.99 USA/ $32.00 CAN/£16.99
352 pages
ISBN: 978 – 1421527758
There are definite similarities between this book and Brave Story but I enjoyed this one more.
Once again, we have a young protagonist who finds themselves caught up a mundane crisis that becomes entangled with supernatural matters; Yuriko Morisake is sent home from school, where she learns that her older brother committed a violent assault on his schoolmates, killing one outright, and is now missing. Nobody has any idea why 14-year-old Hiroki would do this; a popular, accomplished student, he doesn’t seem the sort to suddenly snap.
Unsurprisingly the explanation has a fantastic element, one that ties into what begins as a faintly disturbing cosmology that with time becomes much worse: