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Reviews by Contributor: Sakurazaka, Hiroshi (2)

Haikasoru 1: All You Need is KILL by Hiroshi Sakurazaka (Trans. Alexander O. Smith)

By Hiroshi Sakurazaka  (Translated by Alexander O. Smith)

11 May, 2011



All You Need is KILL
Hiroshi Sakurazaka (Trans. Alexander O. Smith)
VIZ/Haikasoru/$13.99 USA
$16.00 CAN/£8.99/201 pages
ISBN: 978 – 1421527611

Keiji Kiriya is a Japanese man who has the misfortune to be a typical soldier in the forces fighting a desperate action to prevent Japan from being overrun and ecoformed by alien mechanisms the humans have called Mimics“1. Even with high-tech powered armor — Jackets” — and heavy rifles, the humans are hard-pressed to hold their own again the tide of Mimics and in fact in the first battle we see, Kiriya’s entire unit is wiped out, including Kiriya himself. This would make for a very short novel except to Kiriya’s surprise he wakes to find it’s the day before the battle.

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