How the Light Gets In
Saint Fire (The Secret Books of Venus, volume 2)
By Tanith Lee

16 Sep, 2016
A Year of Tanith Lee
1999’s Saint Fire is the second novel in Tanith Lee’s The Secret Books of Venus.
If it were not for the Council of the Lamb, the masses who call Ve Nara home might waste their lives on love and pleasure. Ever vigilant, the Council diligently guides their charges towards self-denial and suffering, God’s chosen path for mortal humans. The Council’s grip on Ve Nara seems unbreakable, save for two minor details:
- The looming war with Jurneia, a country of heretics too blind to see their false god is but a mockery of the one true God, fools who think it’s the Christian God who is false. Whatever the truth or falsity of Jurneia’s theology, their vast fleet is all too real.
- The girl with fire in her hair.