Ain’t the Kind of Place to Raise Your Kids
Places in the Darkness
By Christopher Brookmyre

7 Nov, 2017
Miscellaneous Reviews
2017’s Places in the Darkness is a standalone near-future police procedural thriller by Chris Brookmyre.
230,000 kilometres above the Earth’s surface, Ciudad de Cielo is supposed to be the shining city on the hill, a utopia where the technology needed to reach the stars will be developed. It should be filled with pristine rooms and corridors filled with hard-working, well behaved idealists, a glorious celebration of humanity’s loftiest goals.
In actual fact, some fool staffed CdC with actual humans, not flawless paragons. Almost every vice known to humanity exists and is catered to by someone within the great space city. Not murder, however. That’s one failing not found in space.
Until now.