Tower to the Sky
2300 AD
By Marc Miller, Frank Chadwick, Timothy B. Brown & Lester W. Smith

4 Oct, 2022
Big Hair, Big Guns!
Marc W. Miller, Frank Chadwick, Timothy B. Brown, and Lester W. Smith’s1988 RPG 2300 AD1 is the second edition of a 1986 near-future hard-SF roleplaying game originally titled Traveller: 2300, put out by Game Designer Workshop. In addition to the rebranding, GDW substantially expanded second edition 2300 AD: whereas Traveller: 2300’s various manuals totaled 129 pages, 2300 AD’s manuals totaled 232. To sweeten the deal even more, GDW was willing to swap copies of Traveller: 2300 for copies of 2300 AD.
Inside the hefty and durable box2, gamers found: