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Reviews by Contributor: Doucette, Gene (1)

When The Day Is Done

The Apocalypse Seven

By Gene Doucette  

15 Jul, 2021

Special Requests


Gene Doucette’s 2021 The Apocalypse Seven is a standalone post-apocalyptic novel. 

University student Robbie wakes the morning after a raucous party to find himself alone in the Harvard dorms. He goes out to explore and finds Carol, who is flustered because she woke up and found her seeing-eye dog vanished. They search further. Cambridge appears to be deserted and overrun with wild animals. They eventually find two more people: Bethany (a teen with a talent for picking locks) and Touré (a programmer). 

Further finds: Paul (former lowlife turned backwoods preacher), Win (experienced woodsperson), and, much later, Ananda (professor). Now they are the Apocalypse Seven!

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