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Reviews by Contributor: L'Engle, Madeleine (2)

Cruel Summer

The Arm of the Starfish  (Poly O’Keefe, volume 1)

By Madeleine L'Engle  

26 Jan, 2020

Because My Tears Are Delicious To You


Madeleine L’Engle 1965’s The Arm of the Starfish is the first of the Poly (later, Polly) O’Keefe quartet. Alternatively, it is an offshoot of the Time Quintet series (which began with A Wrinkle in Time).

Promising biology student Adam Eddington earns a summer tour working for renowned scientist Calvin O’Keefe on the isolated Portuguese island of Gaea. Sounds like a delightful summer? Not so fast. 

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Three children and IT

A Wrinkle in Time  (Meg Murry, volume 1)

By Madeleine L'Engle  

2 Aug, 2015

Because My Tears Are Delicious To You


1962’s A Wrinkle in Time won a Newbery, even though it features no dying dogs or other pets and no child drowns tragically in a beloved creek. A star does explode but that happens before the book opens. The Newbery and the book’s heavy-handed Christian imagery gave the work enough of a patina of respectability that schools would stock it — even though it was pretty obviously spec-fic. Despite the official imprimatur, kids liked it enough to actually read it for pleasure. It still has a high enough profile that the net abounds in reviews.

Pity poor Meg Murry: 

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