After War’s End
An Inheritance of Ashes
By Leah Bobet

16 Nov, 2015
Special Requests
Leah Bobet’s 2015 An Inheritance of Ashes is her second novel. The first was 2012’s1 Above.
The war against the Wicked God is over; the dread lord and its army of Twisted Things were defeated by a single knife thrust from John Balsam’s blade. How exactly Balsam killed a god by stabbing it is unclear. Balsam vanished in the chaos that followed the Wicked God’s death and no one else knows what happened.
Indeed, all too few of the men who marched south from the lakelands to fight the Wicked God have returned. Young Hallie and pregnant Marthe wait for Marthe’s husband Thom to return, while doing their best to keep Roadstead Farm functioning. Shell-shocked veterans trickle north, but none of them are Thom. One wandering veteran, Heron, stays, trading his labour for room and board over the winter. Still, even with his help, the sisters may not be able to keep the farm … for reasons to be explained later.
But the appearance of a Twisted Thing at a window hints that the war might not be as over as people think.