Footsteps Even Lighter
Forest of Souls (Shamanborn, volume 1)
By Lori M. Lee

31 Jul, 2020
Doing What the WFC Cannot Do
2020’s Forest of Souls is the first volume in Lori M. Lee’s Shamanborn series.
Foundling Sirscha Ashwyn seems destined to spend an unremarkable life as servant to her betters. But Sirscha is too ambitious for that. She apprentices herself to Kendara the Shadow, master spy/assassin for the kingdom of Evewyn.
Part of her training has consisted of service in the army. While there, she makes a friend, fellow soldier Saengo. She is dispatched on an errand by Kendara; Saengo accompanies her. It’s a trap; a shaman attacks with fire. Sirscha survives but Saengo does not.
What happens next is unexpected and quite disquieting.