You see the signs, but you can’t read
No Rest for the Wicked (Widdershins, volume 2)
By Kate Ashwin
Widdershins: No Rest for the Wicked is the second arc in Kate Ashwin’s ongoing webcomic. No Rest for the Wicked was published in 82 installments from March 12, 2012 to October 5, 2012.
Detained by police after a friendly altercation at a local pub, Jack O’Malley and his amiable German chum Wolfe face either prison term or — this being a fantasy England with its own Bloody Code — execution. Jack has a very special talent and that makes him potentially valuable to Councilwoman Fairbairn. Valuable enough to buy both Jack and Wolfe out of prison.
Of course, a contract with the councilwoman is involved but if contracts ever said anything important, O’Malley would have learned to read.