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Reviews by Contributor: Mohamed, Premee (11)

School Days

We Speak Through the Mountain  (Reid Graham, volume 2)

By Premee Mohamed  

30 May, 2024

Illimitable Dominion


2024’s We Speak Through the Mountain, a sequel to Premee Mohamed’s The Annual Migration of Clouds, is a near-future science fiction novella.

Nineteen-year-old Reid Graham was one of the lucky few invited to attend university at Howse University. Reid was also one of the lucky fewer who survived her trip across the post-collapse hellscape between her tiny home community and Howse, which is sheltered in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains.

Having reached Howse, Reid can put her troubles behind her. Will she?

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The War Prayer

The Siege of Burning Grass

By Premee Mohamed  

2 May, 2024

Miscellaneous Reviews


Premee Mohamed’s 2024 The Siege of Burning Grass is a stand-alone (thus far) military speculative fiction novel. Or perhaps anti-military is a more accurate term…

The war between the Empire of Varkal and Med’ariz rages on. The Meddon, the people of Med’ariz, have superior technology; Varkal has elan, human wave tactics, and a willingness to redirect as much of the economy to the war effort as it takes to win, regardless of the consequences. Varkal is not winning and is growing increasingly impoverished.

Alefret was a founding member of a pacifist pact. His principled pacifism has greatly displeased the Varkal government.

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They Say Time’s Supposed to Heal You

The Void Ascendant  (Beneath the Rising, volume 3)

By Premee Mohamed  

27 Apr, 2022

Cosmic Horror!

1 comment

2022’s The Void Ascendant is the third and final volume in Premee Mohamed’s Beneath the Rising trilogy.

Nick Prasad survived the destruction of Earth at the manipulative limbs of cosmic horrors. He survived tumbling through dimensions. Arriving on alien Aradec, he embraced the role of designated prophet. True, he has had to enable some terrible things, but as long as his superiors do not tire of him, playing prophet allows him to put off his death. It’s not much but it’s all Nick can hope for.

Now, it seems that even personal survival may be out of the question.

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Quiet Voices

The Annual Migration of Clouds

By Premee Mohamed  

28 Jan, 2022

Doing the WFC's Homework


Premee Mohamed’s 2021 The Annual Migration of Clouds is a stand-alone post-apocalyptic novella. 

Reid Graham is ecstatic to receive a letter of acceptance from Howse University. Howse is not merely a respected centre of learning. It is one of the few places in Canada that retains high technology despite a series of calamities that have reduced the population of the world by two orders of magnitude. 

The catch? Reid has to get to Howse on her own. This is tricky. Howse is hundreds of miles away from Reid’s home; there are few automobiles still functioning. And … there are other problems. 

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She Gives Them Butterflies

And What Can We Offer You Tonight

By Premee Mohamed  

23 Jun, 2021

Miscellaneous Reviews

1 comment

Premee Mohamed’s 2021 And What Can We Offer You Tonight is a standalone dystopic tale of revenge. 

The world of the distant future is perfectly ordered and just. The wealthy are free to enjoy their wealth; the poor are free to work at ill-paid jobs and die of hunger and disease. All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. 

Courtesan Winsome Winfield is murdered by a client of her brothel, the House of Bicchieri. That’s OK by the House: a free-spending customer is more important than a mere prostitute. 

The other courtesans of the House give their friend a quiet burial. 

Winsome’s resurrection is utterly unexpected. 

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When You Feel Like Hope Is Gone

A Broken Darkness  (Beneath the Rising, volume 2)

By Premee Mohamed  

23 Feb, 2021

Cosmic Horror!


Premee Mohamed’s 2021 A Broken Darkness is a sequel to Beneath the Rising.

A year and a half ago, wunderkind Johnny Chambers and her bestest friend Nick Prasad saved the world from the Dimensional Anomaly. True, they were a bit late and hundreds of millions of people died. The important thing is that seven billion people didn’t die. 

Nick hasn’t spoken to Johnny in the last year and a half. It’s not just because Johnny was responsible for providing other-dimensional beings with the chance to invade our world. Although that is a large part of it.

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A Certified Genius at the Age of Five

Beneath the Rising

By Premee Mohamed  

24 Jan, 2020

Doing What the WFC Cannot Do


Premee Mohamed’s 2020 Beneath the Rising is a standalone cosmic horror novel.

Nick Prasad is poor and brown. Even though he’s quite bright, he can’t even consider going to university; he has family obligations. His friend Joanna Johnny” Chambers is wealthy, white, and a world-famous super-genius scientist. Despite the vast gulf between them, the two teens have been friends since childhood. Nick is madly smitten with Johnny. Johnny is fond of Nick. But there’s this vast gulf between them …

Having cured HIV and Alzheimer’s, Johnny turns her attention to solving climate change. Solution: replace fossil fuels with an inter-dimensional reactor. Too bad that Johnny has saved the world from climate change by creating a gateway to something much worse.

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