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Reviews by Contributor: Utomi, Moses Ose (2)

Face The Truth

The Truth of the Aleke  (Forever Desert, volume 2)

By Moses Ose Utomi  

17 May, 2024

Doing the WFC's Homework

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The Truth of the Aleke is the second and apparently final volume of Moses Ose Utomi’s secondary-universe fantasy series, Forever Desert.

Thanks to its Peacekeepers and Truthseekers, The City of Truth has withstood the Cult of Tutu’s relentless attacks for centuries. Now, it falls to resolute teenage Junior Peacekeeper Osi to end the conflict.

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Nor Any Drop to Drink

The Lies of the Ajungo  (Forever Desert, volume 1)

By Moses Ose Utomi  

10 Mar, 2023

Doing the WFC's Homework


The Lies of the Ajungo is the first volume in Moses Ose Utomi’s debut novella; it is the first entry in his projected Forever Desert series.

Faced with an unending drought, the people of a desperate city accepted aid from the Ajungo Empire. The Empire provided just enough water to sustain life, or perhaps a smidgen less. There was, of course, a price.

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