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Reviews by Contributor: Yu, Ovidia (4)

Got Ways of Knowing

The Mimosa Tree Mystery  (Crown Colony, volume 4)

By Ovidia Yu  

9 May, 2024

Miscellaneous Reviews


2020’s The Mimosa Tree Mystery is the fourth volume in Ovidia Yu’s Crown Colony series.

1943: having survived the Fall of Singapore and the brutal massacres that followed, Su Lin and her family keep a low profile. The Sook Ching may be over, but the Japanese are still committing atrocities against anyone foolish enough to catch their attention.

Events transpire to focus the occupiers’ attention on Su Lin’s neighborhood and on her family.

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This Lovely Creature

The Betel Nut Tree Mystery  (Crown Colony, volume 2)

By Ovidia Yu  

12 Jan, 2024

Doing the WFC's Homework


The Betel Nut Tree Mystery is the second volume in Ovidia Yu’s Crown Colony cozy1 mystery series.

Su Lin has settled in at the Detective Shack as an employee of Singapore’s Detective and Intelligence Unit. The detectives have been directed to take a close interest in the impending Glossop-Covington wedding. It would look bad for Singapore if anything were to disrupt the marriage of a wealthy British man to a wealthy American widow.

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Dread and Envy

The Frangipani Tree Mystery  (Crown Colony, volume 1)

By Ovidia Yu  

20 Oct, 2023

Doing the WFC's Homework


2017’s The Frangipani Tree Mystery is the first volume1 in Ovidia Yu’s Crown Colony mystery series.

1936: Singapore still languishes under the boot of the British Empire. Were imperial domination alone not bad enough, the Depression lingers.

Su Lin is considered unlucky, possibly cursed, by her family. Not only is she an orphan, but polio left her with a noticeable limp. Her uncle Chen has a solution: arranged marriage to a man Chen will make sure has suitable prospects (if the uncle has to provide them himself). Vanessa Miss Nessa” Palin, the spinster sister of Sir Henry Palin, acting governor of Singapore, has a different solution: Su Lin will become Chief Inspector Le Froy’s housekeeper.

Fate provides a third alternative.

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Another Year Over

The Paper Bark Tree Mystery  (Crown Colony, volume 3)

By Ovidia Yu  

3 Dec, 2020

Special Requests


The Paper Bark Tree Mystery is the third volume in Ovidia Yu’s Crown Colony mystery series. 

Singapore in 1937 is very much a British colony. When officious, interfering, profoundly ignorant operations adviser Bernard Bald Bernie’ Hemsworth descends on Singapore’s Detective Unit, there is little the senior staff can do to resist his counter-productive directives. Su Lin, until then the team’s main paper-pusher, is summarily fired and replaced by Dolly Darling, late of India. 

Dolly is incompetent and not very bright but she’s pretty and white, qualities that Bald Bernie values highly. Unable to do her job, Dolly turns to Su Lin to do the job for her. A covert meeting in the Unit’s records facility turns up something neither woman expected: Bald Bernie’s dead body.

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