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Reviews by Contributor: Dimaline, Cherie (2)

Broken Ego, Broken Heart

Funeral Songs for Dying Girls

By Cherie Dimaline  

19 Jan, 2024

Doing the WFC's Homework

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Cherie Dimaline’s 2023 Funeral Songs for Dying Girls is a stand-alone modern fantasy.

Sixteen-year-old Winifred Win” Blight lives with her taciturn father in the Winterson Cemetery1, where her father operates the crematorium. While living in a house2 on cemetery grounds has its drawbacks — fellow students (the jerks) call Win Wednesday Addams3” — Win has lived there her whole life and it’s all she knows. News that declining business may force the crematorium to shut down is unwelcome news, as the Blight home is a free perk of graveyard employment.

Win has one card to play: the cemetery ghost.

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