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Reviews by Contributor: Shirahama, Kamome (14)

In Your Darkest Hour

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 13

By Kamome Shirahama  

22 Jan, 2025


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2024’s Witch Hat Atelier, Volume 13 is the thirteenth tankōbon of Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier fantasy manga series. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atelier in the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. The English translation of Volume 12 first appeared in 2025.

Imprisoned and stripped of his rank for misusing magic, cunning old Engendale orchestrated his escape by unleashing a vast, blood-sucking monster to distract his jailors while he fled. This very nearly perfect plan would have succeeded, were it not for plucky young Coco and her mentor, Qifrey.

Intercepting and confronting the old reprobate is easy enough. Surviving the encounter is another matter.

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Big Fight

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 12

By Kamome Shirahama  

12 Jun, 2024



2022’s Witch Hat Atelier, Volume 12 is the twelfth tankōbon of Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier fantasy manga series. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atelier in the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. The English translation of Volume 12 first appeared in 2024.

Volume 11 was a comparatively quiet volume. Volume 12 is considerably more energetic.

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The Big Parade

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 11

By Kamome Shirahama  

25 Oct, 2023



2022’s Witch Hat Atelier, Volume 11 is the eleventh tankōbon of Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier fantasy manga series. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atelier in the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. The English translation of Volume 11 first appeared in 2023.

Having been convinced to demonstrate some wonderous new spell in an upcoming procession, Coco encounters a foe too formidable even for her: spellcaster’s block.

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Savage Beauty

Eniale & Dewiela, volume 1

By Kamome Shirahama  

17 May, 2023



Eniale & Dewiela, Volume 1 is the first volume of three that collect Kamome Shirahama’s modern fantasy manga series. Eniale & Dewiela was serialized in Fellows! from 2012 to 2015. The English translation of volume 1 was published in 2020. Whereas Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier is a drama, Eniale & Dewiela is comedy.

Eniale is a low-ranked angel, forever determined to better the world. Dewiela is an equally low-ranked devil, forever determined to better herself. Playing as they do for opposing teams, their perpetual proximity must logically be due to their never-ending rivalry. Right?

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Days to Come

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 10

By Kamome Shirahama  

1 Feb, 2023



Witch Hat Atelier Volume 10 is the tenth tankōbon in Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier secondary-universe fantasy manga series. Titled Tongari Bōshi no Atorie in the original Japanese, Witch Hat Atelier has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Twomagazine since July 2016. First published in Japan in 2022, the English translation of Volume 10 was released later that same year.

When last we saw Coco and her colour-blind chum Tartah, they had been having what should have been a happy reunion with their pal, Custas. Too bad that he has made certain discoveries concerning magic and in consequence is less than pleased with his friends.

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Solution Unsatisfactory

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 9

By Kamome Shirahama  

4 Jan, 2023


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Witch Hat Atelier Volume 9 is the ninth tankōbon in Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier secondary universe fantasy manga series. Titled Tongari Bōshi no Atorie in the original Japanese, Witch Hat Atelier has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. First published in Japan in 2021, the English translation of Volume 9 was released in 2022.

Volume 9 begins with a mystery and a revelation. Unfortunately, they are unrelated to each other.

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On a Crooked Crutch

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 8

By Kamome Shirahama  

7 Dec, 2022



Witch Hat Atelier Volume Eight is the eighth tankōbon in Kamome Shirahama’s fantasy manga series. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atorie in the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. First published in Japan in 2020, the English translation of Volume 8 was released in 2021.

Unaware of teacher Qilfrey’s horrifying actions in volume seven1, the students at his atelier (protagonist Coco, as well as friends Agott, Richeh, and Tetia) are delighted to be invited to assist shop-boy Tartah to set up a tent at an upcoming fair. Normally this would be a task for Tartah’s boss/grandfather Mr. Nolnoa, but a back injury has sidelined Mr. Nolnoa. If the girls don’t help Tartah, he will have to manage alone. This might affect sales, which would be bad; the fair is financially important to Mr. Nolnoa’s shop.

An entirely different matter emerges to engage Tartah and Coco’s attention.

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Threw My World into The Sea

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 7

By Kamome Shirahama  

2 Nov, 2022



Witch Hat Atelier, Volume 7 is the seventh tankōbon in Kamone Shirahama’s secondary world fantasy manga. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atorie in the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. First published in Japan in 2020, the English translation of Volume 7 was released in 2021.

Having passed senior witch Beldaruit’s test in the previous volume, Beldaruit takes Coco into his confidence regarding certain sensitive concerns. Coco’s teacher Qifrey and Qifrey’s friend Olruggio happen to be talking about the same subject.

The subject: does Qifrey have Coco’s best interests at heart or she is merely the means to an end? Is her well-being a secondary consideration?

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Who You’re Supposed to Be

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 6

By Kamome Shirahama  

5 Oct, 2022


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2019’s Witch Hat Atelier, Volume Six is the sixth tankōbon in author/artist Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier fantasy manga series. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atorie in the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. The English translation of Volume Six appeared in 2020

No sooner have our central characters (protagonist Coco and her fellow student witches Agott, Tetia, and Richeh) emerged from their latest test than they, their badly injured teacher Qifrey, and their Watchful Eye1 Olruggio are summoned by the Assembly to account for certain irregularities in the test.

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I’d Like to Meet His Tailor

Witch Hat Atelier, volume 5

By Kamome Shirahama  

7 Sep, 2022



2019’s Witch Hat Atelier, Volume Five is the fifth tankōbon in author/artist Kamome Shirahama’s Witch Hat Atelier fantasy manga series. Witch Hat Atelier (Tongari Bōshi no Atoriein the original Japanese) has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Morning Two magazine since July 2016. The English translation of Volume Five appeared in 2020.

When last we saw our heroes, they were venturing into Romonon. The party had divided into: Coco, Tetia, and their teacher Qifrey in one group, and Richeh and Agott in the other. The first group finds itself in a dire situation, while the other is facing a challenge that is even worse. 

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