When in Rome
Aldair in Albion (Aldair, volume 1)
By Neal Barrett, Jr.

12 Dec, 2021
Because My Tears Are Delicious To You
1976’s Aldair in Albion is the first volume in Neal Barrett, Jr.’s Aldair science fiction quartet.
Aldair of clan Venicii could have enjoyed the conventional life of his Gaullian people: raising crops and children and fighting off the Stygianns. He would also have ignored the Rhemian conviction that their empire includes Gaullia (easy to ignore because Rhemians don’t care to visit that distant barbarian land). But Aldair doesn’t ignore the Rhemians: he travels to attend a Rheimian college in Silium, where he studies under Master Levitinus.
Whim leads Aldair to converse briefly with a Stygiann prisoner named Rheif. It’s a decision Aldair will regret.