All My Tomorrows
The Danger Quotient
By Annabel Johnson & Edgar Johnson

14 Aug, 2017
Special Requests
Annabeland Edgar Johnson’s 1984 TheDanger Quotient isa standalone time travel novel.
130years after World War III turned the surface of the Earth into alifeless, UV-soaked hellscape, things are not going well for thedescendants who took refuge in a vast network of tunnels underColorado. For reasons unexplained, lifespans keep dropping.
K/C — 4(SCI)(or Casey, for short) is a gene-engineered genius, one whom hisdesigners hope will be smart enough to solve the problem of theshrinking lifespans. Too bad that he probably won’t live longenough. He suffers from congenital defects that will kill him all toosoon.
Hehas a cunning plan to put the little time remaining to him to gooduse. It’s a plan dependent on his homemade time-machine.