A Signal in the Heavens
Hunted by the Sky (Wrath of Ambar, volume 1)
By Tanaz Bhathena

26 Jun, 2020
Doing What the WFC Cannot Do
2020’s Hunted by the Sky is the first volume in Tanaz Bhathena’s Wrath of Ambar series.
Alarmed by a prophecy that an unnamed girl with a star-shaped birthmark would be his downfall, Ambar’s King Lohar did what so many rulers of myth and legend have done: command his Sky Warriors to find and kill every girl with such a birthmark.
Gul is a star-marked girl; she survives because her parents sacrificed their lives to protect her. The murderous assault that was intended to save the king’s life has left Gul determined to kill both the ruler and his right hand man, homicidal sadist Major Shayla.
That said, she’s a fourteen-year-old home-schooled orphan with no access to the king and no real training in combat or magic. Killing Lohar will be a challenge.